My Wildlife Journey Began 20 Years Ago...

My wildlife journey began 20 years ago when as a busy tv executive working for Channel 4 I booked a safari to Tanzania, simply to escape my hectic schedule for a week or so.  I immediately fell in love with Africa. Seeing animals in the wild for the first time, the landscape & those endless African skies captivated me then, as it still does now.

Then in 2009 I got serious. I bought my first Canon SLR & embarked on my first photographic safari to Kenya. And that was that. I was hooked.  Over the last decade or so I have had the privilege to travel across all the major continents, always with my camera in hand, to capture wildlife images which I hope you will love as much as I do.

The art of wildlife photography requires skill, a deep understanding of animal behavior & immense amounts of patience! Hours spent on Mara plains, the jungles of India or on the ice in the Arctic have all undoubtedly helped me develop my craft & become the photographer I am today. I have also been the lucky recipient of wonderful advice & mentorship from Wildlife photographers that I admire so much- Paul Goldstein, Federico Veronesi & Richard Peters. They have all pushed me to be better.

Another career defining moment was joining National Geographic in 2012 & working in Washington DC leading the programming strategy for Nat Geo channels internationally. One part of my job that I relished was curating the programming for the yearly Big Cat event to support conservation. This job was a dream come true. I could soak up all the expertise around me & collaborate with some of the world’s best photographers, explorers & filmmakers. I watched, I listened & I learnt from the best. But was I ready to turn a passion into a career?

Then the Covid pandemic happened. Like many I decided it was time for a reset. So, after 30 years working in the television industry, I took a leap of faith & decided to follow my passion & become a full-time wildlife photographer.

So, how would I define my style? I hope you will find in my work nuances of light, composition, and storytelling. I want my images to provoke an emotion or a spark of curiosity. I want images that you will want to hang on your wall & get pleasure from it every single day.

I particularly love the timeless beauty & elegance of black & white images & I am increasingly looking for those subjects & environments where I know black & white will enhance the final image.

More than ever, I seek an unmistakable sense of place in my photography. I hope you find this reflected in my strongest images. It is an evolving part of my style as a photographer. As I compose an image my eye is constantly seeking to capture & frame the raw beauty & majesty not only of the wildlife in front of my lens, but equally important to me is the environment around it.

“Your animal in landscape work is really strong. I always feel like I wish I was there when I view them, helped in part by the compositions pulling both subject & surroundings together”

Richard Peters

My work has been recognized in competitions run by the WNPA, Mono Awards, Muse & Refocus Awards, all of whom aim to showcase the work of the best photographers around the globe. My images also help to support the conservation work of Mara Elephant Project & 10% of print sales goes to support various conservation charities in Africa. I post regularly on Instagram which is another means of growing my reputation within the industry.

So why do I do it? Well I think that is best summed up by a fellow photographer Will Fortescue who commented on a photograph he took that it was “a sighting that kept on giving. It just takes one on an eight-day trip. 2 minutes out of 80 hours. A feeling more addictive than any other”.

I couldn’t agree more & it brings me great joy.


 Take A Trip To The Wild Side

Interviews with top photographers and filmmakers, articles on conservation and the what I love about wildlife.

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